Claims Complaints Policy & Procedures

Claims Complaints Policy
If the Insured is not happy with the service offered by their Insurance Company, or the way they have been treated, the Insured has the right to complain to the Insurance Company. The Insurance Company will look into the complaint and see if it’s appropriate to redress the Insured. However, if the Insured thinks that their claim has been unfairly rejected, they can still raise a complaint against the Insurance Company.

1) Definitions

  • 'Grievance/Complaint' - A "Grievance/Complaint" is defined as any communication that expresses dissatisfaction about an action or lack of action, about the standard of service/deficiency of service of an insurance company and/or any intermediary or asks for remedial action.
  • 'Inquiry" - An "Inquiry" is defined as any communication from a customer for the primary purpose of requesting information about a company and/or its services.
  • 'Request' - A "Request" is defined as any communication from a customer soliciting a service such as a change or modification in the policy.
  • 'Company' shall mean Al Koot Insurance and Reinsurance Company
  • 'Complainant' shall mean any policyholder (including legal heirs, assigns or legal representatives) who reports a Grievance to the Company


2) Grievance Procedure
Step 1
If an insurance policy is bought through a broker or agent, they might make the complaint on behalf of the Insured.

It is sometimes possible to resolve a complaint through a telephone call to Al Koot helpline (Telephone Number 00974 - 44976447 but the insured should note down with whom he spoke, when, date, what he said etc., just in case he wants to take things further.

Step 2
In case the Complainant is not happy with Al Koot response they can raise the grievance or complaint through sending a written communication to Al Koot Claims Manager at the following address:

Mr. Ramachandiran Babu, A/Claims and Complaints Manager
P.O.Box NO. 24563, Doha, Qatar
Direct Line: +974 4040 2687
Mobile: +974 5511 5973
Fax: +974 4040 2992

The Complainant can also write an email to The Complainant can also submit Grievance at Al Koot Office located in Al Maha Building, Bin Omran Area, Doha. The Grievance should be expressed in writing duly signed by the Complainant or legal heirs, assigns, legal representatives with full details of the complaint and contact details of the Complainant.

Step 3
In case the Complainant is not satisfied with the response or have not received any response within two weeks, the Complainant can escalate and approach the Grievance Redressal Committee, which is chaired by Mr. Kumar Nataraja, Chief Officer, General Insurance at the following address:-

Mr. Kumar Natarajan, Chief Officer General Insurance
Grievance Redressal Committee
P. O. Box NO. 24563, Doha, Qatar
Direct Line: +974 4040 2668
Mobile: +974 3378 1430
Fax: +974 4040 2992

Step 4
In case the Complainant is still not satisfied with the decision or resolution of the Grievance, the Complainant may approach the Insurance Section at QCB. The details of the Insurance Section of QCB is given below:

  • Fill in the complaint/inquiry form published on the Qatar Central Bank’s website under “Consumer Protection” tab. (or)
  • Send a complaint / inquiry to fax number 00974-44222450 (or)
  • In person to Banking Services Consumer Protection Department located at the building of the Qatar Central Bank, C-ring Road – Near Al Muntaza signal, Doha.


As per QCB Regulations, No complaint to the Insurance Section of QCB shall lie unless:

  • The Complainant had before making a complaint to the QCB made a written representation to the Insurer named in the complaint and either the Insurer had rejected the complaint or the Complainant had not received any reply within a period of one month after the Insurer concerned received his representation or the Complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to him by the Insurer.
  • The complaint is made within one year after the Insurer had rejected the representation or sent final reply on the representation of the Complainant; and the complaint is not on the subject matter, for which any proceedings before any court, or arbitrator is pending.


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A Qatari joint stock company licensed by the Qatar Central Bank.