Recruitment & Selection

Al Koot recruitment process has a number of different stages, which are follows:

  • Initial job evaluation and production of a relevant job/person profile or description by which candidates can be assessed for suitability.
  • Screening of initial applicants using a variety of methods to shortlist the most likely potential candidates.
  • Selection of the best candidate from those shortlisted by utilising one or more selection techniques.
  • Effective induction of the successful candidate into the new role to ensure successful integration within the organisation and quicker operational deployment.


To increase the chances of successfully negotiating the recruitment process, candidates must ensure that they apply their best efforts at each stage of the process, such as fully completing application forms, producing effective CVs and preparing thoroughly for interview.

Al Koot does not offer positions or confirming employment without undergoing a thorough recruiting process.

If you do not find any suitable positions currently listed, please forward your CV to , We shall get back to you once we have any opening matching your profile.

All Copyrights reserved AlKoot 2016
We are ISO 9001:2015 Certified
A Qatari joint stock company licensed by the Qatar Central Bank.